History of Idaho Trapper Association

Idaho Fur Trappers Sales

The Idaho Trapper Association Inc, was founded in 1979 with the Certificate of Incorporation being issued by Idaho Secretary of State on January 17, 1980.

The nature of the business is to promote sound conservation, legislation, and administrative procedures to save and faithfully defend from natural resource waste; to promote sound environmental education programs; and promote a continued annual fur harvest using the best tools presently available for that purpose. The ITA further encourages sensible “Legislation and Adminstrative” procedures pertaining to the management of fur bearing animals, with opposition of bad legislation pertaining to the management of fur bearing animals.

The Association’s priority objective is to educate young trappers in the harvesting and management of Idaho’s resource, and to better educate the public on the consumptive use of wild animals as a necessary wildlife management tool.

To learn more about the ITA visit: www.idahotrappersassociation.com

Idaho Trappers Association Fur Sale 2025

  • January 17-18th 2025 @ Elmore County Fairgrounds Glenns Ferry Idaho
  • March 8-9th 2025 Fur Sale @ Elmore County Fairgrounds Glenns Ferry Idaho
  • June 13-14th Summer Convention @ Lemhi County Fairgrounds Salmon Idaho
  • September 6th NTF/ITA Banquet @ Shoshone-Bannock Casino Fort Hall Idaho

2025 Idaho Trappers Association March 7th-9th Fur Sale Schedule 

Friday Who Demo
7:00 AM Volunteers et up tables and tent
9 AM - 7 PM All Check in fur
3-4 PM Tim Conant Coyote Calling
Afternoon Idaho Fish and Game Selling furbuyer licenses
4-5 PM Kelly Lee Coyote Snaring
5-6 PM Gary Cromp Cage Trapping
6-?? PM Chuck Hedin Trapping roundtable. Chuck literally has trapped thousands of cats over last 65 years.
Saturday Who Demo
7-10 AM All Taking fur in. Be here before 10AM or you miss out!
Morning Idaho Fish and Game Selling furbuyer licenses
8 AM - 2 PM Idaho Fish and Game Wolf trapper Cert Class (must be pre registered) Free ITA membership after completion. Moose Lodge
10-11 AM Angel Lovan Rabbit put up
11-12 AM Larry Bennett (MT) Marten Trapping
12-1 PM Clayton Wetzstein Coyote/Wolf Trapping
1-2 PM Mike Ward Otter Handling and pressure washing
2-3 PM Rusty Kramer (Do not miss this) General Membership Meeting DO NOT MISS. Grizz lawsuit, convention update, fisher project, banquet update, trap rule changes, general ??. Facebook Live Event.
3-4 PM All Bingo sponsored by Rocky Mtn Fur and Don Clifford Fur. Big Prizes! Kids Prizes!
4-5 PM Lane Abaraham (UT) Cat snaring
5-6:30 PM All Live Auction of donated items w/ George Kortum. Please bring a donation. Don't miss!!
7:00 PM All Frosty McWilliams Band (Sponsored by Mac's Trapping Supplies)
Sunday Who Demo
10AM All Fur Buyers If you have a minimum on your fur. Be ready by 10.
10-11AM Skinning Contest BYOS!!! Contact Angel to get signed up!!!!
11-Noon Eric Saltzman Craft trade.
Noonish All Bids read. Fur shagged. No sales collected
After Noon All Help break tables down. We need help!
Vendors Who Demo
Entire show Randy Shuff Beaver tail leather products
Saturday Morning Moyle Trannery Saturday Morning

Camping spots available but no water available due to weather. Payment to the fairgrounds.

ITA Members,

Folks here is the schedule for the ITA March Fur Sale. It is at the Elmore County Fairgrounds in Glenns Ferry on March 8-10th. If your shipping fur to me, it needs to be sent ASAP. Shipping is slow and I would hate for your fur to show up the day after the sale. If you need help shuttling fur to the sale within the state, we have folks coming from a couple directions and might be able to help you deliver fur. I am asking everyone to bring one donation item for our live auction on Saturday. These items help cover our costs of the sale. Donations can be anything from fur, ammo, handmade items, traps, jewelry, tanned fur, anything. Some more things to bring to folks attention:

  • You must have your fur to the fairgrounds BEFORE Saturday 10AM
  • You can put minimums on fur, but you MUST be there on Sunday in case it doesn't meet the minimum. On Sunday you will have a few minutes to say "SELL" if your fur doesn't meet the minimum.
  • If your bringing frozen items, bring them frozen and in a bucket.
  • We will not allow you to put a minimum on any item under $5.00. It is severely slowing down the sales on small dollar items that have minimums.
  • We will allow ammo, traps and tanned fur to sell on the sale.
  • IDFG will be selling furbuyer licenses (and the new 3-day nonresident licenses) and tagging otter at the sale. Bring exact change or a check.
  • We are allowing splitting of lots but copying Fallon's lotting rules.  "3 single lots for every 15 animals of a species. 6 single lots for animals 16-30. 9 single lots for animals for animals 31-45".
  • It would make it easier to separate the lots of coyotes, fox and beaver if you put the same-colored zip tag in the eye of the pelts before you bring them to the sale. Don't worry about bobcats because they have CITES tags in them. If you don't want to do this, no problem, we will have it handled at the door.
  • Please text or email me your consignments for pelts. It helps me pull extra buyers in and know how much fur we can expect.
  • Excited to see everyone at the sale!

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